Google Maps image of boy's dead body to be removed

Doubtful - there’s just too much. But once the blogs start a-bloggin, I would think Google would know what to do.

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I’m pretty sure that very few of these Google images are from satellites. They’re from aircraft that do occasional mapping passes with high-resolution cameras. If you’ve ever seen one of these images with a tall broadcast antenna in it, you readily notice the perspective makes the top of the tower appear much broader than the base - which would only happen if the camera were only a few thousand feet above the tower - you wouldn’t get that effect from a camera 150 miles up.

Also, if you zoom in and then move your point of view around an area, you can see that your viewing angle changes - you may be looking directly down on one house, but if you scroll a thousand feet away, you’ve looking at homes from an angle. Again, that suggests you’re viewing things from an altitude of about 2,000 feet, maybe more.

They may use true satellite images for remote areas, but most populated areas seem to be photographed by airplane.

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