Google walkout organizers say they're being retaliated against for demanding ethical standards

Here’s how this works:

  1. Google is unethical and figures that’s fine because no one will call them out.
  2. Someone calls them out, even though they know Google will retaliate.
  3. Google retaliates and figures that’s fine because no one will call them out…

There’s no reason to suspect anyone is naive here. Standing up for something means you are going to be having to stand up for it over and over again.


How about “resources” or “headcount,” or my very favorite emerging term, “human capital.” That last is an abomination: I bet somebody thought, after far too little consideration, it would make people feel valued, but “capital” denotes an owner/property relationship, which may be how your employer views you, but we’re supposed to be at least pretending to ourselves that owning people isn’t okay anymore.


Um, no, “human capital” implies exactly what you think it does.

Indeed, the new leader of Alberta referred to developmentally disabled people as “reduced human capital” defending employers paying them less. It is meant to define people solely in terms of their monetary value.

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