Originally published at: Googly eyes enhance public spaces, and make everything better | Boing Boing
Remember to check that your googly eyes are self-adhesive before purchase to save on disappointment.
We bought a pack after seeing something silly in a Memphis grocery store. The only thing I’ve done is this box. It’s just too hard to top.
I have a small box of miscellaneous sized eyes and a glue stick so I can eyebomb things whenever I get the urge.
Can you have too many?
“Ca Vous Regarde”, which translates to either “Is is In Your Interest” or “It’s Up To You”
Being French I’m afraid I disagree with these translations. It would be more accurate to translate as “It’s your business” (literally it regards only you). The other meaning is “It’s looking at you”.
Great post nonetheless, keep 'em coming!
That should be outstanding for dodging facial-recognition cameras!
better… yeah, ok.
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