GOP "kingmaker" proposes enslavement as an answer to undocumented migrants

Slavery: unchecked capitalism.

I’m not saying capitalism is entirely bad, but unchecked that’s what you have.


At least with the existing arrangements that have been put up at a few of the more popular crossings, the physical fence and assorted barrier stuff is located at some distance from the national border itself. Sometimes because the border is defined by a river, which makes things inconvenient, possibly to avoid being provocative; but also so that it is impossible to approach/attempt to scale/undermine/spray paint on/etc. the wall with impunity because the US agents can’t leave their jurisdiction.

It’s not a terribly large buffer, so they’d have to keep a very, very, close eye to avoid escapes being reasonably successful reasonably frequently; but security barriers, this one and in general, are typically placed so that both the barrier itself and the approach are within the jurisdiction of the guards, so that they have the option of taking action before somebody actually passes over the top.

ok. I’ll bite…

“Christ. What an asshole.”


So…what strikes me as just pure irony is that there was a nation that espoused a political ideology in the modern era that did this very thing. The place they sent them was called the “Gulag”. The nation was the USSR. The ideology was Communism.

Its funny that the right wing GOP nut job is supporting the exact behavior of the socialist communists that he himself portrays the left wing as being.

Hey, jackwagon…the Democrats want to give people healthcare, you want to send them to “labor camps”.


The Republican Party has gone totally off the rails. I fear for my country.


That would be a modest proposal.


I just don’t understand the problem building a wall is trying to solve. And yes this line of thought goes down the rathole of immigration in the first place.

What activity or benefit that we can’t do or enjoy now would be created by deportation, walls, or slavery?

Aside from the obvious moral problems with slavery, and there are very simple reasons to reject this idea based on market principles, politics and culture.

First, slavery has been shown time and again to impede innovation. There’s no incentive when you’re not paying. Also, if you need to “invent” jobs for slaves, you probably didn’t need those things done in the first place. It distorts the market, something conservatives should abhor.

Also, unemployed people can’t compete with slave labour. Unemployed americans, regardless of their political leanings, aren’t going to look at this and say “great.” They’re going to say “It’s not fair. If there’s work to be done, somebody should pay me to do it”, with the possibility that slaves will have a better standard of living than the unemployed. This argument makes a few assumptions, but it’s fair to say that working conditions would need to meet certain minimums, people would need to be clothed and housed.

The doners for these conservative candidates don’t care if slaves convert into convicts - more prisoners for their privately run contract prisons.

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Wasn’t it the hero of the conservatives, Regan, that said “Tear down that wall!”

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Pretty sure the answer is “reveling in schadenfreude produced by seeing people we dislike because of their ethnicity in slavery.”

… and relocate it to the southern border of my nation.


I think you’re misremembering.


Those devious slaves would just breed a bunch of anchor babies anyway. The lucky duckies.


Well, the actual quote from the piece is :

[quote=“doctorow, post:1, topic:64451”]
"…then you become property of the State of Iowa,” Mickelson modestly proposed.
[/quote] (emphasis mine, though the phrase is an embedded link)

So someone at the Daily Beast saw where his logic was headed.


The really sad thing is that the slavery and forced labor idea is the GOP version of compassion. Many of them just want to patrol the borders with guns and shoot anything that moves. :frowning:


It sure seems like he wants this to apply only to Mexicans, or are Canadians going to be turned into slaves for a northern border fence? And Poles or Norwegians who overstay their visas, are they going to be put to work on. . . something?


Well, Russians can be put on Sarah Palin’s backyard’s fence.


I coulda sworn they built such a wall 10 or more years ago. I’m starting to believe I was in some alternate universe then and/or that I’m in one now.

EDIT: Well, I wasn’t imagining. So, they’re going to build it all over again? That’s like when they re-hung Saddam.


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