"Gradutate": important word misspelled on 600 stoles worn by high school graduates

Years ago, I worked at a small business where the long-time owner was retiring, and we had a little party. It was in June. A co-worker brought in a home-made cake, which she had decorated herself and had written on it “Congradulations!”. She mentioned that she hadn’t been quite sure how to spell it, so she had copied it from one of the cards that her son had received for his graduation from high school.



I wouldn’t assume that. In my experience this sort of thing is often way less organized and structured than most people imagine.


If that were our daughter’s gradutation stole we would have been laughing it up and now over 20 years later we’d still be laughing about it.

Hey daughter, remember that time you gradutated?

It’s these little life goofs that make much better memories.


Agreed. I was going to say, it looks good enough for me ;-). That’s not ruining anyone’s day. If anything it’s a funny story.

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Totally. Thinking back to my friends group from high school, this would have just become a lifelong in-joke, where the word forever became “gradutate” in all our conversations. I certainly wouldn’t feel the need for my stole to be replaced, let along for pictures and video to be digitally altered (not that that would have even been an option back in the dark ages when I gradutated from high school.)


You are Bad Luck Brian, and I claim my £5 !

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