Griping about moderation, bias, et cetera

This places undue burden on the moderation team who do not have the time to respond personally to every flag thrown. That’s why there is a link to the guidelines in the automated message that is sent, and more importantly, why the item:

  • Enforcement may be lax or draconian as befits the whims of the Entity. The rude will be eaten first.

…exists in the first place. While we make an effort to be transparent about moderation decisions by posting in the General Moderation Topic, there is an ocean of difference between our best-effort attempts to be transparent and a requirement that we do so. If you expect this level of personalized service for every flag, I can assure you that you are on the wrong forum.

Lastly, if you believe that Boing Boing, via it’s BBS, a heavily indexed and shared forum, wants to be associated with FUD like the possibility that COVID-19 will kill the majority of the planet, then not only have you been reading a different Boing Boing than I have, but you also clearly have no idea what us supporting that level of fantasy by allowing it to be hosted here would do to our credibility over time. We are not a disinformation source, and we’re not going to entertain FUD just because you find it to be a useful “thought experiment”. The Pandemic isn’t a game, stop treating it like one.