Gun control is a great idea, terrorist watchlists are bullshit

Well, he supports legalization of marijuana and same-sex marriage, so that’s at least a step in the right direction.

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I often speak to the Big.

Get with it, man.

p.s. I see through your petty sleights, and I don’t care. Grow up, and please try again.

Well, their backup plan was to shoot them, which is pretty effective. They were just trying to act civilized first and see where it led.

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Get with it, man.
p.s. I see through your petty sleights, and I don’t care. Grow up, and please try again.

Just sayin’ that you might want to read the article and the thread before being an ass.

Yet my ass is broadside, all of a sudden. I know I am an ass. Full stop. Come starboard. All fire. Now!

Too many cannons, not enough shaving cream…

The evidence in states that are run by Democrat lunatics shows they are coming for people’s guns, and have done so in California, New York, and Connecticut. Conveniently using the mandatory gun registration lists they’d previously promised would never be used to confiscate guns - then they changed the laws on which guns were legal or illegal, and said “never mind, we lied”. If you hadn’t already gotten your now-illegal guns, magazines, etc., out of state, you lost them.

Look up Gary Johnson’s record as a two-term Governor. He’s probably as close to a Moderate as you’ll ever find running for office these days. Pro-abortion choice and pro-Second Amendment at the same time (like me). He’s basically a Jeffersonian liberal (or Jeffersonian conservative when it comes to the Constitution - take your choice).

And he’s neither Trump nor Clinton, two very big points in his favor. :slight_smile:

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IIRC, he was a two-term Republican Governor in a state that had Democrat Governors before him (I know he defeated the incumbent Dem Gov for his first term in office). That should also say something about him.

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Yeah, I think it’s a little late for that, don’t you?

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