Gun safe opened with orange juice bottle

Uh…what? I think you might have responded to the wrong person?? I never even mentioned the words safe or safety.

Anyway, since you took the time, I’ll respond. Your comment is, well, odd. Maybe I’m not understanding you? You begin by setting up the idea that security doesn’t provide safety, and then you go on to say that it provides you time. You seem to qualify this by suggesting that having the gift of time in the face of a dangerous situation is a good thing, it might provide someone time to “deal w/ the threat”. So, I guess the question is: what is the difference in your mind between “safety” and having additional time to deal w/ a threat? Are you not “safe” during that period where you’re not being harmed? Later you posit the idea that a safe isn’t the easiest way to “prevent a kid from playing with a weapon”, but rather education is. I think you might have meant to say (but, please, correct me if I’m wrong): buying a safe is dead easy, but it’s much more effective, thorough, and worth the painstaking time to to instill an education.

Is that what you meant?

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… not having a weapon


Until they go to a friend’s house, a family member’s house, a study group, or any other number of places that do have weapons. Given the general mistrust of the cops, I’m surprised how anti-weapon some BoingBoing forum members seem to be, but hey if you only want the bad apple cops and their friends to have weapons have at it

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Since I live in the UK I do have at it. Remarkably few children here shoot each other or their parents.

Because they do not have a weapon.


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