Gustav Klimt portrait, lost for a century, turns up in Vienna

If you are using Windows, the combination Windows key + . (full stop) will give you the emoji selector.
In Windows 11 at least that includes all the letters with diacritics, and many other signs and symbols.

I, personally, have created my own keyboard driver (based on the Swedish one),for the stuff I use most commonly (some Greek letters and math signs).

I came here for this, not disappointed.


Also, there is no such thing as too many diacritics.


Doh, I knew that. Fixed!




ͲᾚᾋͶϏ ΥΦυ ϜϴR τΗὶϞ :smile::+1:


It didn’t, it was begun in 1917 and was given to the Lieser family who commissioned after Klimt’s death in 1918 (unfinished). It remained with the Liesers and in 1925 it was photographed in preparation for an exhibition. The painting remained in the family or was passed on to another private collector.

That has proved to be impossible to establish one way or the other.

Was the info I was working from.

The auction house has a press release.

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Then point out that the article as posted is incorrect.

It isn’t substantially incorrect, but it does not include all the details. I do not expect complete or exhaustive stories on BB, I hope for wonderful things.

(I posted the BBC link to the Art, artists and art news thread because it piqued my interest and at the same time read the press release)

Edit: Also bear in mind that auction houses got to auction, so that might have a bearing on some of the less-than-clear press release.

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