Hand stuck to freezing metal? Urinate on it

Came looking for this reference. Was not disappointed.


Before peeing on your hands, you should probably assess how cold it really is. Peeing a cloud of ice particles onto your frozen hand may make things worse instead of better.

(Attn Americans: -25 Celsius converts to approximately 3 gallons, I’m pretty sure.)


Urine luck, you say?


No, you are to believe that stream direction is significantly more difficult with lady parts, especially directing upward. Also, not having an external conduit for the urethra means exposing a great deal more tender flesh in freezing temperatures. (All of which may help to explain why women are on average more cautious about such things as testing to see whether they’ll freeze to metal in the cold.)


I hope you brought a buddy along to take care of your tongue.

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It’s pretty hard with one hand frozen to a pole, too. I imagined i’d have to have a to-go cup handy already.

Also, did you not get that it wasn’t a deeply serious question? baby powder?!? not making fun of you or that person but of propriety itself, there.

I’ve got a few friends that would be more than happy to do just that.

Hmm… Maybe I should re-evaluate the semi-prank war friendship I have with these folks.

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Of course urinating on your hands presents its own set of problems.

I should probably see a doctor.


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