Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2016/12/07/handmade-wooden-sunglasses.html
Do you guys know about Prisma Guitars from San Francisco? Guitars made of recycled skateboards - http://www.prismaguitars.com/
(no connection to me, I’m just a fan)
Those are beautiful! I had a pair of wooden glasses a few years ago but I needed them re-lensed and they disappeared before I found anyone that could do the service cheaply. Now I’m down to just a pair with wooden arms…
I wonder how hard it would be to get something like this and replace the lenses with a prescription. Hmmm…if only there was a way to do a dragnet across the cybersphere to identify homepages within the WWW that performs this service.
Check out Shwood, they have some wood frames suitable for prescription lenses.
I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but this same approach ie. reclaimed wood including skateboard, turned into handmade glasses frames, has been used in Brisbane Australia for a few years now. http://www.hollowayeyewear.com.au/collections/all/products/kings-natural
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