Hangovers aren't caused by dehydration, low blood sugar, or acetaldehyde


I get horrible cluster headaches, or migraines, from drinking. At I approached 40 some enzyme production in the chain of breaking etoh down changed and things are PAINFUL.

If I take propranolol an hour or so before I drink, and keep up with some water – it really helps keep the debilitating next day hangover to a minimum. If I forget that drug it makes me really regret it. The difference is a slow AM where I need coffee, breakfast and a shower vs 6-8 hours of throwing up until I am dry and a splitting headache, add in some cold sweats.


WTF? Well, if no one else will: GABA, GABA, hey!


If it’s that much trouble, why drink at all?


That was my thought!

Just smoke some weed, man.


I mostly smoke weed. Socially I drink.


I do the reverse!

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Same here. It took me years to figure out that I wasn’t just a drinking lightweight, getting severe hangovers from small amounts of alcohol.

I just started trying propranolol as a prophylactic. So far so good. A few other drugs, that might help others haven’t had any noticable effect. Inexpensive sumatriptan as a “rescue” medication has been a great gift. [quote=“Bushbaby, post:24, topic:71422, full:true”]
If it’s that much trouble, why drink at all?
I’m done with it completely, good riddance. I wouldn’t mind a quarter glass of Terminator Stout on occasion, but the risk is not even worth a taste. Personally, I still experience migraine illness but anything to reduce the frequency is worth a try.

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Yeah. Swearing off of anything with extra methyl anthranilate (the smell of that stuff is 100% reliable migraine trigger for me) in it is way easier than avoiding ethanol. But it’s still a bit of a challenge sometimes. I don’t get why everyone likes artificial grape so much. It doesn’t smell or taste anything like real grape. Same with artificial watermelon and banana (although IIRC artificial banana was supposed to smell like Gros Michel bananas which are extinct now.)

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they’re an inflammatory response

This is why advil helps.


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