Happy anniversary to the Rainbow Pride Flag!

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Now here’s hoping there’ll be happy reasons to wave that flag when the Obergefell v. Hodges decision finally comes out.

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I remember in the late 70’s transparent rainbow stickers in the classic arch shape where a popular item to stick on the rear window of your car (and even on glass bongs).

That might have influenced the flag…and Apple Computers.

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Aren’t there some folks looking for a new flag to show off their southern pride?


That’s the only flag design I’m aware of which was altered just because pink fabric was hard to come by.

The Nightly Show in the US suggested a pig on fire – something everyone can get around! Of course, that would probably end up starting another civil war over what to put on the pig.

Growing up in the eighties I remember seeing those rainbow arch stickers on lots of secondhand toys and books at rummage sales.



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