Originally published at: Happy Birthday, Tina Fey | Boing Boing
It’s amazing how nearly everything she touches turns to gold. (I’m willing to turn a blind Eye to Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.)
I think it’s because while of lot of SNLers projects involve throwing things at a wall and seeing if they stick, Tina insists on quality writing, acting, and production. Her success is no accident.
I liked that movie. Plus it feeds into my theory that Martin Freeman is a sex machine. (See Sherlock, Fargo, Breeders, that SNL appearance)
She’s damn funny, and smart. And best, sarcastic!
I bore a vague resemblance to Sarah Palin back when she was sprung onto humanity, and if anyone pointed that out I’d say, “Surely you mean I resemble Tina Fey… RIGHT?!” :deathglare:
Her Annuale SNL commercial still gets quoted regularly in my house.
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