Happy Creepy Easter


The first thing I thought was, “Oh, what is Vint Cerf up to now?”

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What isn’t creepy about Easter? Men dressed as bunnies? Hunting for eggs? Egg laying Bunnies? Zombie Jesus?

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Pictures like this are hard. It’s my first Easter without rabbits in eight years. I loved using it as another excuse to spoil them.



My local pie shop’s doing them.

Our featured pie this Easter weekend. A slow cooked rabbit stew with
porcini mushrooms, chorizo and parsnips topped with a pancetta and sage
waffle and a skillet fried, buttermilk brined rabbit leg.

I’d Fedex you one, but it would get all cold and eaten.

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While that’s kinda mean, it also sounds really delicious.


Is the gentleman shown Fay or West?

Sounds to me like a bunch of damned random ingredients. Why would you put chorizo and sage on the same plate? Either one guarantees you won’t taste the rabbit. I think a hipster got into the kitchen.


Looks more like Robert Duvall to me.

“I love the smell of tularemia on Easter morning!”

EDIT: Oh GDI. I somehow got the Vincent Price headline conflated with this one and thought “that doesn’t look too much like Vincent Price…”

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So many questions…

I’d like to understand much more about the criteria involved in establishing the fact of “The Longest Established Denture Practice in Western PA”. Was a single physical address required, or could there be multiple as long as they were all in Western PA? Was full continuity required? 24 X 7? What about vacations? We really need to be specific here.

Tell me more about the “Economy Denture”.

“Same Day Service” Sure, we’ve got time. Have a seat.

There’s a cash incentive to “upgrade” your denture. Ugrade? Bling? Polishing? Sharpening? Is this what people with the “Economy Dentures” all eventually must do? Classic follow-on sale.

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You can say that without knowing the quantities? Or are you one of those sensitive types that considers salt “seasoning”? (SPAM, stands for spiced-ham?)

Oh, forgot my favorite (Father Ted, rabbits)


And don’t forget Lenten Sister Assumpta.


(Can’t explain why, but I have a big grin while saying this)

Chorizo? Sage and rosemary!
Regular pork? Sage and rosemary!
Chicken? Sage and rosemary!
Soy/seitain? Sage and rosemary!

…seafood? Pimenton, butter, and fresh cracked pepper. Please and thank you.

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…the bunny gets it.



This sounds like a job for…Philip Larkin!

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