Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

I would love to post it but it’s in his head. He literally wanders into the kitchen, grabs a bunch of stuff, measures things, mixes, and bakes. I’ve tried asking for friends (these are popular with the kid’s friends) and he’s said “use the Kellogg recipe but cut the sugar in half. Substitute 1/4 cup of flour with cocoa powder and mix. Then add flour until it looks right

It’s alchemy.

ETA: he says he usually adds milk at the end instead of flour, because it’s usually too thick. Also “muffins are very forgiving and don’t need a precise recipe” :unamused:

Base recipe: https://www.all-bran.com/en_US/recipes/the-original-all-bran-muffins-recipe.html