Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

ok y’all, before i wear out my welcome here…
i have been busy all day in the kitchen with the hot sauce bottling, a lovely chicken curry with rice (that will be breakfast!)i have also made good on another threat - the banana ketchup that @kentkb put me up to.
i went through both freezers and pulled out about 4 cups of my frozen, homegrown bananas, thawed, mashed and set aside. diced two whole yellow onions and sauteed in olive oil with chopped garlic and fresh ginger. add to that 2 cups vinegar (half/half rice and white vinegars) a cup of water and 1/4 c tomato paste. simmer, reduce heat and add the banana mash, some of the green habanero sauce from earlier and 1/4 c brown sugar. simmer 20 minutes until thick. whizz it up in the processor and put into sterilized jars. made six pints.

oh, yeah…ETA: it’s really good! very much like tomato ketchup, sweet and tangy with that chili pepper bite that i like.