Hardcore vegan baby nearly dies

Do they still make 4% ABV gripe water? :beers:


They strike me as the kind of assholes that would feed their cat or dog vegan pet food.


The problem is that having a balanced vegan diet isn’t as easy as some people think it is. I know some vegans believe that humans didn’t evolve to eat meat and that we’re naturally vegans - so they don’t necessarily take the care they need to. I’ve known an awful lot of vegans/vegetarians with really bad diets because they just assumed that not eating animal products automatically puts them on the healthy path. Add other dietary restrictions to that, and a decent diet can become impossible. (Most of the cases I read about with malnourished vegan kids involve more extreme diets like fruitarianism, etc. that are just insane to apply to small children.) Then there’s the overlap between vegans and those who are against the “medical establishment” which causes its own set of issues…


Vegan in the headline seems legit in this case. It is actually in the article and the BB post. This is jlw, not Cory.


You know, on reflection I think our kids probably were too, and for the same reason. Also, changing a nappy filled with meat powered poo is nasty. Remembering back, I think we might have taken them back off meat after the first time that happened. Oh my god, the humanity!

Tips for not-yet-parents, but the squeamish may want to move right along:

breast milk poo is fine, and actually smells sort-of sweet
vegetable poos aren’t great, but they’re ok
meat poos are the first time you start seriously thinking about toilet training, like RIGHT FUCKING NOW


In his book The Big Picture A. Whitney Brown says he found a seedling banana plant in his daughter’s diaper.

I haven’t checked but I bet there are pictures out there if you want to just look at it.


what does the poop analyzer has to say about embedded banana seedlings?


Many people are up to learning how to be healthy vegans, but there’s always going to be some that are not. I had vegan neighbors who were both rail thin and had a baby shortly before they moved away. I was scared for that child.

Being vegan is possible, but it takes work and knowledge to do and not end up malnourished. There are vegan traditional societies, but they depended on specific foods dictated by strict traditions, mess with them at your peril. Europeans took Maize back with them from the New World, but failed to recognize that it was treating it with lime to make Masa that unlocked it full nutritional value.

Michael Pollan in his latest book “Cooked” goes on about how meat was critical to our evolution from plains apes because it’s such a dense source of nutrition. And he basically says “raw” diets are a great only if you want to starve because cooking unlocks nutrition.


So, they’re provably wrong? The only reason humans generally exist is because we evolved to cook and eat meat. That was the gasoline in the engine of having a brain bigger than baseball.



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Step 1: Go online, Google “dumb ways babies die”. Don’t do anything that comes up on that list of results.

Step 2: Go to the supermarket or the park and find people with healthy kids. Copy what they do.


Dunno, the Duggar’s kids seem healthy, if more than just a tad indoctrinated… :expressionless:

I’d also add that humans are very bad at accurately judging statistical outcomes that are outside of their direct experience, so parents are worried about terrorism and stranger kidnapping rather than backyard pools or their spouse running off with the kid. Google’s gonna get you the vivid stories, the aberrations, rather than the dry statistics if you do the search the way you suggested.


As my morbidly obese vegan friend would gleefully exclaim, “Potato chips are vegan!” Apparently so was the pizza after the bastard pulled all the toppings off.

Edit: This is not to mock vegans, just my friend. He was really bad at it.


Vegan popcorn? Who knew!

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Yeah, we’ve known a number of vegetarians that didn’t like vegetables. Whatever, just don’t do it to an innocent baby.


The originale article from the corriere * says :
“È il primo caso di questo tipo a Milano” "this is the first case of this kind in Milan"
So if we believe the article it’s the first and only case of a malnourished baby with a vegan diet ever in a 4M city, this fact that it is the “first” and actually “only” case speaks a lot.

  • might not be accessible from outside italy, it is with a proxy
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Mine does not like avocado. At all. I wish she did.


Did you read the linked article, or are you just grandstanding? The way I read it – child had health issues, hospital recommended dietary changes, parents refused – the veganism seems pretty relevant.


I had a vegan mate whose diet consisted entirely of whisky, instant noodles and MDMA.

No children at the time, and it didn’t seem to do him serious harm. These days he’s a social worker who looks after homeless kids.


Sounds fun, but it can’t have been too long or he’d have come down with all sorts of deficiency diseases. What’s stupid is it’s not that hard to mod ramen into a decent if high fat meal. Stir in a couple of eggs or sliced tofu, a lot of paper thin onion, maybe some steamed green beans, raw bean sprouts or such, and some chopped cilantro. If you start with some superior ramen like MAMA’s tom yum flavor, its good eats.