Harris-Newsom 2024? Biden meets VP for lunch today, followed by face-to-face with Gov. Newsom

You’re right. All of what you wrote is correct, but

That is the very definition of a significant percentage of the voting population. And I’m not talking about MAGAts. I’m talking about “swing” voters. That there is even such a thing as someone who would have switched Obama/trump from 2012 to 2016 (and there were loads of them) or that anyone is on the fence about trump the rapist & terrorist at this point is absolutely insane. But it’s also a reality that I think we easily forget here in this forum. In my experience, most voters are utterly uninformed, vote based on personality/attractiveness and only see things like this debate in 15-second bites on social media… 99% of which portrays Biden as a hospice patient. As awful and impossible as it seems, people simply do not pay attention to nearly the degree folks on this forum do. Not even close.



… if Biden wanted Harris to be president in 2025, the most effective way to make that happen would be to resign now — today — really last year, right after the midterms — so she could run as the incumbent president

That would be consistent with his pledge to be a “bridge candidate” or whatever, but that’s not what he’s doing :roll_eyes:


Agree. If we’ve learned anything in the past 8 years - it’s more about style over substance, rhetoric over policy - that influence massive swaths of (short attention span) voters.

It sucks, it’s irrational, but it’s sadly the reality we find ourselves in.

Time for a gin tonic.


I’m not certain I heard right, but I believe I remember the PSTW guys saying that that would complicate things more than declaring her his surrogate. They discussed a lot of scenarios, though so I may be mistaken.

Either way, yeah… it’s either ASAP or ride or die with Handsome Joe.

I grew up around farmers who would have killed for Reagan. Meanwhile, he oversaw the most devastating decade for farmers in American history. Fake-ass Hollywood cowboy.


Funny how this bullshit has pushed all the articles discussing the recent SCOTUS decision and how it is a threat to democracy off the front pages.

I. Am. So. Tired. Of. This. Shit.


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I can believe that a Harris/ Newsom Plan B has been discussed. But not in terms of replacing Biden on the ballot. If they were going to go that route they likely would have already done it. But Biden is 80. People who turn 80 are usually quite aware of how quickly their health can fail them.


Please. Just fucking stop with all of this doom and gloom for Biden. News coverage since last Thursday has been wall to wall “Biden is doomed. Everybody hates him. He’s the worst ever. Trump is going to win. Trump is the best” with one chin stroking talking head after another spouting conspiracy theories around how Biden is catatonic or being propped up Weekend at Bernie’s style. It’s fucking exhausting and ignoring pretty much everything else going on right now that’s actually newsworthy — like maybe what terrifying stuff Trump himself said during the debate, or this week’s SCOTUS’ shockers, the awful happenings in European politics, the massive heat wave going on right now across the US, or the unprecedented category 5 hurricane currently laying waste to the West Indies. It’s just Biden Biden Biden. Give it a fucking rest. I’m so fucking done with all of it.


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