Newsom, Whitmer and Buttigieg all back Kamala Harris for President

Originally published at:


That’s it, then. The only people who are going to even try to run against her are going to be people like Marianne Williamson and Joe Manchin, and neither of them have a realistic shot. I’m happy to admit that I was wrong about the party quickly uniting behind Harris.


Every once in a while, it’s nice to be wrong :slight_smile:


The doom and gloom worst-case scenarios are evaporating one by one so quickly and Democrats getting their act together like they actually want to win this thing. It’s beautiful.

The fact that the near-universal reaction I’ve seen from Democrats is excitement about Harris and talking about what she’s bringing to the race, while Trump (and Johnson, and the rest of the GOP) spent the last day stamping their feet demanding that we still talk about Biden should tell us a lot.


AOC is not wrong that the moneybags would rather have someone like Manchin, who is in their pocket. Can they sway enough delegates at the convention to matter? Probably not, but they may try. Even they should be able to see that Manchin would be a disaster, and probably lose in a landslide. So far, most of elected officials to voice an opinion have come out for Harris, including the most likely alternatives.


The big money is smart enough to realize that Manchin is (a) old, and (b) not popular nationwide. They would never support him. They may have wanted someone like Newsom. Don’t forget, though, that Harris isn’t a progressive. Neither was Biden, but my guess is they think they’ll have an easier time influencing Harris on policy issues.


Biden raised their taxes, and was promising more of the same. They are afraid Harris will continue that.


A quick overview on her track record, on what she has been tasked with as VP, etc.:

Beau has some grounding thoughts, and has a lot of questions about the practical logistics:

“T---- is now The Old Guy”
“Be ready for a bunch of cheap political attacks on Harris: there’s gonna be tons, and they will probably echo the same sort of attacks that went against Obama, for the exact same reason”

“History is a great teacher and has taught us that a divided house will fail,” the women wrote Thursday.

As Black women we are uniquely aware of the very real threat a second Trump term poses to our country and especially to our community. But this is not a moment to give in to fear. Instead, we must unify around our deep belief in our values and our ability to effectively engage voters and win up and down the ballot in 2024.

Some of the same women had led the push in 2020 for Biden to pick a Black woman as his running mate, including Donna Brazile, Leah Daughtry, and LaTosha Brown.

Did this contradict those who were openly calling for Biden to step aside and back Harris? Not necessarily. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also Thursday, came out for Biden staying in, explaining it, in part, by noting that she was skeptical that Harris would easily replace Biden if the president were to be ousted. “If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave that they will support Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken,” she said, blaming “donors” and not voters for the anti-Biden upswell. (She has since endorsed Harris.) I heard the same thing privately from a few Black women who signed the letter.

The Dem National Convention starts 19 August.
Buckle up!


They want a refund. :rofl:


I understand that. I also understand that even they are smart enough to realize she is their only option.


No backsies!
They are going to have get their own shit together and the coming days/weeks will be… interesting.

Imagine the room where they decide “should we push the whole ‘we demand law-n-order’ narrative, facing a former AG from the most heavily populated state in the U.S.? or should we keep leaning on that freedom-n-temporarily-embarrassed-capitalists narrative?”


We need to follow their example. There are no excuses anymore. Staying home or voting third party on election day is an effective endorsement of fascism in America.


They want to speak to the manager.


They have become the party of the dog catching the car.


Sadly the mainstream media is still pushing the “divided Democrats” narrative. A horse race is better for their ratings than a party that is clearly united behind Harris.


I expect a lot of San Francisco bashing from the GOP.


A surprise to no-one here. The NYT had articles to that effect spun up before dinner on Sunday. If all they have to push is non-Dem Manchin and Woo-woo Williamson as alternatives, they’ll go with them as “viable alternatives”.

They’re already focusing on her relationship with Willie Brown, as if it still has any relevance (too late for them to turn him into a Soros-like boogeyman, too). What they’ll avoid discussing like the plague is her background as a tough-on-crime prosecutor – many on the left don’t like it, but it still has too much appeal to mainstream Republicans for them to risk highlighting it.


They will push it. It will just be up to the DNC and all of us who are exposed to media to make them look ridiculous for pushing it.


… traditionally a dog whistle for homophobia

Who knows what it means now :roll_eyes:


We’ll see. I mean, they got Uncle Joe out. These are not people who are used to settling for just enough. These are people used to being able to get their way.