Obamas endorse Kamala Harris

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/26/obamas-endorse-kamala-harris.html


If I’m reading our most subtle and nuancd BB author right, the implication there is that another surprise may well be in the offing.

Gretchen Whitmer? A different woman? Or maybe Mayor Butterandeggs? Why not! If a black woman has already generated this much enthusiasm…


Is there a “well trained centrist” in the Democratic Party right now with the requisite debate, motivation and fundraising skills to take on the fascist GOP whose name is not Kamala?



I don’t get the strategy myself. If someone is uncomfortable with a woman being President. Then making a man her VP is not going to satisfy them, it will only confuse them further as their perceive gender roles are swapped.

At some point you have to write off voters that just aren’t going to show up for you. And focus on the millions of women who think this all makes perfect sense. And make it clear that women can talk to their husband, boyfriend, or sons about what it means to them that a woman can be President.

Because from the very beginning, even when it was just Trump versus Biden. There has been a gender divide in the election. The message that Trump has been sending out has been received by men in far greater numbers than by women. What to do about it, I don’t know? My Mom would have slapped me upside the head if I were an alt-right proud boy piece of shit. But not everyone is so fortunate to have a mother like mine.


This is the 2nd story I’ve seen this morning that makes part of the focus, “why did they wait so long.”
It rather detracts from the awesome endorsement, I think. And really, Biden put out his letter Sunday, and didn’t make the video announcement until 2 days ago at 9 pm eastern. The Obamas’ endorsement this morning doesn’t feel like they were waiting eons. We’re talking about a bunch of very busy people, after all.
I just hope this doesn’t turn into another of those stories that annoyingly detract from the good by postulating about hypotheticals, like NyT and other outlets did with the ‘22 midterm results.


The most nuancetastic outcome is “she picks Shapiro” and the grey eminences congratulate themselves only to watch him go out on stage and call for an immediate Gaza ceasefire.


The media in general and the Very Online have a pretty tough time dealing with Democrats having their act together with unanimity of purpose.

Is the overwhelmingly positive grass-roots response to Harris actually evidence that this was a coup by party elites?

Harris is raising record amounts of money and hundreds of thousands of first-time volunteers are showing interest in the campaign, that could present problems for Democrats…

Nearly 100% of Democratic leadership and top-tier party officials have enthusiastically endorsed Harris, but what if they actually don’t mean it in their hearts?


I honestly don’t care who her VP choice is - beyond [ETA: disagreeing with] the veiled implications of many that it needs to be a straight white guy. (Not Pete Buttigieg??!)

Whoever it is needs to maximize the ticket’s draw in the most swing states with the most Electoral College votes.

Dems finally have a candidate that can generate enthusiasm and momentum. Someone who is not just a nice old grampa, but a fighter who can effectively call out the MAGA bullshit for what it is. Finally there is hope instead of gloom!

BUT. Nothing can be taken for granted. Kamala’s poll numbers are not yet far enough ahead. The election (insanely?) is still decided state by state in the Electoral College. National polls don’t capture that nuance well.


And yet here you are, very online… :thinking:


I don’t buy the claim that it needs to be a straight white guy but if she was specifically shopping for one that could deliver a swing state then Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona would be a solid choice. Who doesn’t like a space hero?




Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

I think @danimagoo suggested Stacy Abrams in another thread…

Stacey Abrams Vote GIF by OneGeorgia


I did! That’s my outside the box pick.

Excited Lets Go GIF
I don’t think Harris should focus too much on the demographics of which VP candidate might deliver however many votes in this or that state. I think with Trump as the opponent, that old school political strategy doesn’t really work. I think she should just pick the most qualified person she can, and let that contrast with JD Vance.


I agree. And look how much that contrast has already made MAGAts jump around like sped-up Yosemite Sams. If her VP pick is another person they can tar with “DEI” smears while foaming at the mouth, that’d just make them look all that much more retrograde and disgusting!


Drive by posting…

Go Kamala! I’m all in! Don’t care who she picks for VP, the campaign is refreshed and we’re excited! Let the stupid press groan and moan and complain all the want, but for the first time the Democratic party has totally owned the media and done everything with perfection, starting with the constant roll out of “privately, Big Name Democrat is urging Biden to step aside” all during the Republican convention, thus crushing their news cycles.


Fall out of a Coconut Tree my friends! Let’s goooooooooo.,…!!!

Edit: Sorry, love you all, keep it going you crazy mutants! We got this now, this is what we wanted and let’s ride it to President Harris inauguration and first term!


My generous take on the endorsement is that if the Obamas had endorsed Harris earlier, it would have been drowned in a sea of endorsements. They waited a couple of news cycles, so that it was the top story on my Apple News feed this morning. It’s more of an event.

I don’t believe that the Dem PTB coordinated and crafted this situation with Joe and Kamala with Machiavellian precision, but I gotta say, once the wheels were in motion for Biden’s withdrawal, they’ve hardly missed a step. The Republican convention and the pick of JD Vance barely got any headline attention before something happening on the other side sucked the wind out of their sails.

Dems have been accused of being a herd of cats, and for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in the past. I’ve seen nothing but smart moves in recent weeks. I hope the trend continues.

As for her VP pick, I hate to be cynical, but it will rely on polling more than almost anything. Once they vet everyone for skeletons in their closets, they’ll pick a white man who can help them win a swing state. Shapiro and Kelly have got to be the top contenders there. Shapiro apparently has the better speaking skills; Kelly has a military background. The bench is so deep though, that Harris has an embarrassment of riches to choose from.


If the Obamas had endorsed Harris right away, there would be complaints that Harris was “annointed” by the “party elites” and therefore her candidacy “wasn’t a real consensus” or similar.

Basically, there’s no winning with critics. A large percentage, perhaps a majority even, aren’t acting in good faith. They either are opposed to Democrats winning or just want to stir up controversy. Or both.

I look forward to voting for Harris, and I’m very happy to see such a reinvigorated Democratic reelection effort.


The video is adorable.

Barak had said he wanted an open convention. Makes sense he’d wait a bit to get the temperature of the party on that. Plus, as said by several others already, this gets a whole new news cycle of chatter and excitement from supporters. It’ll be the talk of many a social gathering this weekend. The Harris campaign has shown intelligence in manipulating both the mainstream media and, more importantly, all the ways our youngest potential voters engage with the news. This, the video. Perfect size for posting, remixing, etc.

Edit to add: having Michelle take the lead on the video was clever too, I think, given the enthusiasm for Harris and how generally liked Michelle is. Brings home the idea Harris is fighting for women and supported by women