Newsom, Whitmer and Buttigieg all back Kamala Harris for President

Yeah, she didn’t do very well in the 2020 primary (dropping out before a single vote was cast) but I’m hopeful that a general election plays more to her strengths. She’ll be able to run an all-out scorched-earth campaign against Trump and the GOP in a way that you can’t really do against other members of your own party in a primary. Plus she’s got more experience this time around. Fingers crossed!


I liked her in 20 more than most of my cohort did at the time mainly because I don’t really mind that as a prosecutor she prosecuted people who maybe were also decent people sometimes. There isn’t going to be a prosecutor in the world for whom this isn’t true and I’m not comfortable with lowkey banning prosecutors from office.

And yet I didn’t think at that time that she would have been able to win the general against Trump. Now most of the things that mattered to me have been eclipsed by much worse. At the time what mattered to me and most of my friends was pushing the democratic party to adopt more actually progressive policies and stop trying to find a center with obvious fascists who won’t allow there to be a center.

Then Trump staged a coup and I’m actually glad that good ol’ sleepy joe was the president when all the race riot Jan6 projection was going on. Like really glad. Since then I slowly came to like and respect Biden much MUCH more than I ever did before.

In the meantime I have also gotten time to see what leadership with Harris in the VP role is like and afaik there’s just nothing to get that upset about.

So it’s gonna be: unlikable, foreign, woman, uppity, and a bunch of racist memes from people running a candidate that looks like he could be spotted be wandering around Racoon City late at night.


So far, the best they’ve come up with is “people don’t like her laugh.”


Also the GOP has long delighted in deliberately mispronouncing her name, so I expect that obnoxious troIIing to continue.


… that’s a “Resident Evil” thing?

Trump is a zombie?

hard to keep track of all possible pop-culture references :thinking:


Yep and honestly he does kind of look that way though doesn’t he?

Like if you walked up behind him and he was mumbling and sort of shuffling around like he usually does and then turned back to look at you with his melted and blotchy face it would not look that much more out of place if he was also gnawing on a disembodied hand. Wouldn’t seem that out of character for him either.


You-all already knew all about the Kamala Harris coconut emoji and didn’t tell me?? (man… gotta pick up all the current shtick in the alleyways, i does)
:coconut::coconut::coconut::coconut: usw

TL;DR: Kamala’s mom was a fo(u)nt of wonderful wisdom, and among them:

"My mother … would give us a hard time sometimes, and she would say to us, ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?’ " Harris said with a laugh. “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.”


Harris and the Democratic Party had a huge day in campaign donations yesterday after the announcement, including donations from large donors who had put things on hold with Biden. By all indications, the donor class is on board with Harris. I see no reason to think that will change. Of more concern to me, is will she reverse some of Biden’s progressive agenda after the election, if she wins. But I’ll worry about that on November 6.







I hope she does. Fuck them and their their anti-progressive coup.


… I looked for amusing pictures of Kamala Harris, like, lifting heavy things or something, but I didn’t see any

What there are is lots of pictures of Harris just being a normal person, not a zombie, not a weird billionaire whose own family doesn’t want to be seen with him


From the people backing the clown who doesn’t laugh.


OMG thanks for the earworm.

This image immediately came to mind from earlier today. Yes, it’s AI drivel. Yes, I saw it in some post about Elon Musk. Yes, deprived of context about this being from an AI generated “fashion show” of notable politicians and public figures it is hard to tell if this is a positive or negative way to imagine Harris.

But damn that song and that pic just kind of work.


Hmm, negative in my eyes. There’s going to be a lot of sexist sexualization of her, and that strikes me as one example.



But there are sexualized ai image of Trump. The source it comes from has like 10 of Obama and honestly he looks hot in all of them. In some way I also wouldn’t want her to miss out on the gains from that kind of representation either.

I do think that Harris is unique because she is still pretty hot (very hot by middle aged politician standards) and that’s going to have to be something people get over if they haven’t already.

Sex appeal is something male candidates are praised for.

At the same time I can see how as a woman she will be attacked relentlessly and demeaned for it, as many of us have experienced personally in our own lives.

I dunno. Confronting the sexual dynamics of a powerful woman who is more or less conventionally attractive and how her body is handled in the media is going to be… ROUGH… no matter what really I think.



Indeed, it’s the usual sticky wicket that men don’t face much.

True, but of course, those function much differently in our patriarchy.


giphy (2)
{Wish I had a pic of Karen the stray cat, one of her yelling at me that she wants the manager b/c I’m taking too long to bring her food, but th’ above’ll hafta do.}