Newsom, Whitmer and Buttigieg all back Kamala Harris for President

That’s part of why they like them though! It’s ambiguous enough to be a joke/ironic, it pisses the right people off, and it lets people feel smart for fangirling over a pathetic loser like Trump and debasing themselves.

Like getting people to think they are smart for sharing what amounts to shitty low effort propaganda.

But it is also why people like Putin like to “let” doctored photos like that get propagated too because they also work like advertising. People are just like that, and they will read an image a lot faster than words too usually. Even if they try to forget it, it matters. It’s actually amazing how good we are at creating narratives from brief glimpses of a picture.

I do think the question of “is Harris allowed to be sexy like Obama was sexy” is something that democratic voters are going to have to reconcile fast though.


Some are still grumpy:


The ‘enemies of my enemy’ do make good attack ads; it would be nice if the Dems took notes:


The media’s desperate to keep this an even fight. If they were honest, they’d spend more time talking about Trump’s massive legal issues, corruption problems, how most of his staff has said they would never work or vote for him, rape charges, sexual assault convictions, falling asleep while on trial, rambling incoherent speeches, or any other of the dozens of reasons why this guy shouldn’t be in charge of washing dishes much less in charge of the country.


There’s going to be a lot of sexist sexualization of her, and that strikes me as one example.

I live in a conservative state and the local papers’ comment sections are already inundated with comments like this one

What an inspiration for young girls to know that if they are willing to sleep with 60+ year old men in order to jumpstart their political careers while in their 20s, they too might someday be listed atop the Democratic ticket.

It’s infuriating for so so many reasons.


Dead Broke Walking, once his NY fraud appeal runs out.


it’s such a great rejoinder to the “self made man” myth touted by people like vance or ■■■■■ or musk. ( and even a great explainer to the set of people who want to believe racism and sexism is a thing of the long ago … 1960s. )

nobody lives outside of the context and circumstances of their history. and nobody lives outside of the context of current society either


And old-fashioned sexist ageism.


I heard Trump accused Biden and the democrats of “fraud”.

Since he’s been confirmed by two courts of law as an expert on the matter of fraud, I think we should take his claims more seriously.


Thank goodness Manchin isn’t going to try to stand:

‘“I am not running for office,” Manchin told “CBS Mornings” Gayle King. About an hour earlier on CNN “This Morning,” he told host Kasie Hunt “people are pushing in that direction” when asked if he was seeking the nomination.’


Which people, besides Charles Koch and friends?


I don’t know if I could hold my nose closed long enough to step into a booth and vote for Manchin. If Trump is a zero and Biden a ten, Manchin is a piece of shit that barely deserves a 1.


A CNN anchor asked him if he would be Kamala Harris’s VP this morning. I have no idea why they would ask him that, but to his credit, he said no, that no one wanted a 77 year old VP. It was time to pass things on to the next generation. I still don’t like the guy, but at least he’s living in reality.


Ya, not a Manchin fan but that was exactly the right answer.

That said, what headline did The Hill run with?

“Manchin says he wouldn’t serve as Harris VP”

Goddammit fourth estate. Can you stop with the spin for clicks?


I insist, for precision, that decimals be allowed on that scale so that Manchin can be a 0.00000067.


I was pleasantly surprised that Joe tacked to the left when he got in office. And in 2020, Harris ran on things like Medicare for All, pay equity for women, and an even higher tax rate for the highest income bracket than Biden has proposed. I hope she governs boldly for working class people. I’m optimistic.


Yeah I feel like what constitutes a “progressive” cause and why some of them should be prioritized domestically in the US has become clarified somewhat between 2020 and today.

Bluntly, to me it seems more like I realize there were a lot of basic rights and really wonderful privileges to growing up a US citizen that were never truly enshrined in State or Federal laws and were instead being defended via constitutionality. I guess I grew up thinking that was something I could trust and therefore didn’t see those things as unfinished business that would be required for any progressive goals internally or externally. I doubt seriously I am the only person my age or younger who is willing to get on board with that effort though.


Regarding Newsom, we just got a new reminder today that he’s really not that great. I am not at all upset about the fact that he won’t be the Democratic candidate this time around.