Originally published at: Harry Reid, Nevada politician immortalized in 1995 Martin Scorsese movie "Casino", dead at 82 | Boing Boing
Also… it’s another one where I can’t tell if the picture has been shooped… excellent job @beschizza. I think between the nearly 2 years of lock down and your shooping abilities, I’ve finally given up all sense of reality.
That’s his official Senate portrait, unmolested!
See. I just can’t tell anymore…
Anyways, hope your xmas was swell!
Great film.
“You can either have the money and the hammer, or you can walk out of here.”
I lived in Nevada and i don’t have much of a positive impression about him, i just know him as a corrupt career politician
I don’t know much about the corruption claims against Reid but Judicial Watch is essentially a right-wing smear factory that has pushed all kinds of debunked accusations against Democrats, including the baseless conspiracy theories that Vince Foster and Seth Rich were murdered by the Clintons. They’ve collaborated with the likes of Steve Bannon and Brietbart. Really just a garbage source all around.
I didn’t check the site’s rep but i appreciate the update on that, either way i was never a fan of his politics
Whether Reid was an honest politician or not it seems funny to me that choosing not to run for yet another term in the US Senate at age 76 would be characterized as an “abrupt retirement.”
In my view an example of an “abrupt retirement” would be former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan skipping out when was still a couple years short of his 50th birthday, or Sarah Palin suddenly quitting halfway through her first term as Governor of Alaska. Retiring from the US Senate at age 76 after a recent bout of health problems seems like pretty normal and perfectly reasonable human behavior to me.
Oh yes.
Something, something, timeline.
Judicial Watch was created to harass the Clintons.
Heh. I laughed when I read that.
Thanks for a good start to my morning, Rob!
Hey don’t discount his work in Shark Tale!
Yes indeed, even though it appears on Wikipedia!
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