Hate site KiwiFarms given the boot by web services provider Cloudflare

fundamentally, i agree with you. especially about who should tapped to help figure this sort of thing out, and also this:

to me - bad analogy time - it’s like gun control.

should we leave it up to the gun manufacturers to create regulation? absolutely not. should we just rely on individual recognizance to stop gun violence? clearly, no. we need gun regulation, and we need it now.

however, we also shouldn’t concede the idea that profit maximization alone is good and proper behavior for a gun company. nor should we concede the culture that glorifies gun violence.

we give companies a free pass if we wait till stakeholders can get it right. especially because we know that the profit maximizing mentality will work to delay and undermine that effort at every turn.

we should clearly articulate our expectations, we should shout and holler, we should boycott ( when we can ), we should steer our money towards those with good governance principles ( esgs, etc. ), we should demand better.

no one thing is perfect. it’s all needed.