Heartbreaking photos of uninsured Americans waiting for care

I’m not being sarcastic. States’ unwillingness to accept basic aid for people who desperately need it has troubled me all along.


There’s virtually no way to convince dumb people not to vote against their own self-interests, as long as they see enough TV commercials telling them it’s not so.

The same people who build Reagan statues on Reagan Road near Reagan High School would call someone with Reagan’s policies today a liberal pussy.


Hey, sometimes it’s Mississippi…

Dental care isn’t covered well (and it’s crap on the NHS even if you can find someone who’s taking on patients) because it’s a bad deal for insurance. Basically we all need it, there’s nobody paying in and not taking out.

Prevention is clearly better than cure, though. I had lousy dental insurance when I was first in the US on secondment, and I ended up paying thousands out of pocket for root canal work - my UK employers provided truly shitty insurance (which was funny when my boss lost several front teeth in an accident and had to live without them until moving home because the out of pocket cost would be $10k), worse than normal coverage. Luckily my new employers are better in this regard - but I just had a serious health scare and it’s really brought into light the absurdity of relying on my employer for health coverage. If I were to lose this job, I would be royally buggered.

The thing that gets me is that the thing that became known as “Obamacare” is something that Obama initially opposed, and iirc was fashioned the way it was to appease Republicans.

The whole situation is…uh…frustrating.

I truly, honestly think it’s more nuanced than that. I think that, with Obama, they pandered to racists. I don’t think they truly want to keep black people away from power.

Having said that, I’m not sure the distinction matters much, other than that I think they’d accept a black/Hispanic/etc. candidate that was willing to toe the party line. If they try that, it’ll probably blow up in their face spectacularly, especially after fostering all this anti-Obama hate.

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Not just limited to places like Virginia:
They hold a big medical/dental/eye clinic here in Los Angeles every year – just as big of a turn-out.

Vote-by-mail with paper ballots works very well in Oregon. But [a disturbing number of] American techies [don’t] want to hear about it. They want internet voting or nothing.

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Which techies are you hearing from? Tech people seem to be the most opposed to internet voting and electronic voting machines in my experience. Because they know the giant security and verification problems that come along with that.


Okay, it was an exaggeration. Techies here are properly paranoid. Techies elsewhere (acHRedditcaughcough) and that I’ve met in RL seem more numerous and more dedicated to remaking democracy by turning everything about the process into code. shudder I may be exaggerating the primacy of this group because it made my head turn inside out the first time I realized that the Diebold lesson hadn’t sunk in very far.

I respectfully disagree with you. Virginia is a lot more modern than Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, and maybe Tennessee. Maybe.

I expected to see Lucky Ducky in the photos. That waster always manages to score the freebies.

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