Here are the devastating capabilities of the weapons Obama will leave behind for Trump

Cory’s post isn’t a right wing attack on Obama, it is a fact-based post on how extra-constitutional powers Obama continued, and expanded, from GWB have destroyed the protections designed by the Founders to separate powers between the branches of government to prevent abuse. Both parties cheered these expansions of executive power when their side did it. Some, like Cory and many other posters at BB, decried these expansions of power by both sides because of this exact sort of circumstance: that the expansions opened the door for even more abuses by future presidents.


If establishment democrats had a problem with these kinds of government abuses, they would have done something about it. They would rather have these powers in the hands of whatever republican wingnut comes along than give up the idea of the government controlling everything.

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Obama did claim the right to order anyone, anywhere, killed for secret reasons he will not disclose. And he exercised this right, too. The best that can be said about Obama in this context is that he used his unconstitutional war-criminal power with some restraint and a certain sense of style.

This is not nearly enough. Not for a Republican president, let alone one who is meant to be progressive.

So, yeah, Obama did it, and now Trump’s going to do it, more. Isn’t it lovely Obama left Annoying Orange all these delightful toys.


And Obama claimed, as did GWB, the right to not only keep his reasons secret, but to exercise them under secret legal interpretations. Obama also attempted to keep the No Fly List immune from scrutiny or and to prevent people on it from knowing they are on it (even as they are turned away at airports without explanation), why they are on it or due process to get off of it.

The bumbling GWB could pull possibly off the “I’m a duffus” defense (in spite of his Yale MBA), but Obama taught constitutional law. He has no excuse based in ignorance. When Obama violated the constitution he did so with the full knowledge of what he was doing, and its implication for future administrations.



Just… yes. I agree completely. I judge Obama most harshly for this because he, of all people, should have know better.

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Obama did a lot of things right, but I’d say his extra-constitutional actions that built upon those of GWB have made the Trump Administration an order of magnitude more dangerous.

He left tech toys to go with the legal ones: Update: Eye In the Sky

Want to track everyone who went to a protest, and everyone they know? Back in time as well as forwards?


And yes, I know a lot of boingers were concerned about Obama’s abuses of power. But the list of liberals who were concerned is pretty damn short.

What the actual fuck?

Screengrab because presumably this will get deleted once someone with a brain at the Air Force looks at their twitter feed.

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Really? You’ve polled all liberals in the country? All progressives? All anarchists and socialists? Marxists and Trotskists? Or are you just talking about a few people on the TV? Because it’s a big ass country dude. There has been a continuous leftists response to the changing world since the end of the Cold War. Just because the media doesn’t talk about it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

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