Originally published at: Here's a bunch of a pictures of Nicolas Cage as various historical philosophers | Boing Boing
Also… happy cake day, @thomdunn!
Um, how about Nicholas Cage as Jean Baudrillard?
I’ve seen Jeremy Bentham’s head. He did not look like Nicolas Cage. Although funnily enough more so now than when it was still attached to his body.
There is a certain resemblance:
When Raising Arizona came out, I had a bar back that was the spitting image of Hi, Cage’s character.
Now comes the freaky creepy part, the Bank in the movie was actually a bar in very North Scottsdale, the Reata Pass, I was the bartender and this guy was my bar back, got a lot of double takes from folks…
But what philosopher did the bar back/ Nick Cage look like?
If you pull just one shift as a bartender/bar back in your whole life, you qualify as a battle hardened philosopher, in my philosophy book anyways…
Yeah, I was never that cool.
The bar back was a philosopher.
there’s a certain little caged item on the streets of california with a nick… nameplate…
don’t know where abouts…
Baudrillard? Or Barthes, or de Beauvoir? NO, NOT THE B’S.
Teddy Adorno, Greenwich Village, 1938
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