Originally published at: Here's a mundane but oddly captivating Blockbuster training video from the 1990s | Boing Boing
Sorry, you’ll have to pay me at least minimum wage to get me to watch that. /s
I’m in, but I want a get high first.
My favorite safety video.
That video was definitely retired by the time I worked at Blockbuster. Not that I can remember much of the training by now, but that one is especially dull. The one I can remember? The one about not talking about how much you make with your coworkers.
Thank you for sharing that!
I got paid my minimum wage to watch a lot of these videos when I was hired at Blockbuster in highschool, I don’t recall this one, but after about 3 hours of videos I don’t know that I was really paying attention.
Love how they did a whole section on material safety data sheets just so employees would know how not to abuse the liquid paper.
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