Here's what's in the CDC and FEMA plan to reopen America

Fortunately the Northeast Alliance (Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island) will not lift the shelter in place until we are ready. I can’t see how they can until they have sufficient testing and supplies. We don’t have it. Even with testing and supplies people will still get sick and die. I don’t think we are going to get a handle on this until we get a vaccine and that is a year away. It doesn’t seem like we are ready.

Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Delaware and Maryland would do well if then joined up.


Universally recognized except, in this case, by Trumpers.


Let us welcome CDC and FEMA to Trumppencekeepamericagreat2020 OR how the ‘…the authority is total.’ non sequitur becomes government policy.

California, Oregon, and Washington announced the Western States Pact

New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Rhode Island also formed a working group to plan a reopening in the Northeast region, with Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announcing his state would join the group, too.


Oh, I think they see it. It’s right in the center of their fantasies. The difference being, they see themselves as wearing the jackboots, and us with our throats under their heels.


Only He can save us with a few conditions.

First you have to be nice and stop saying horrid and nasty thing about him.
Next you must do as He says and not as He does.
Finally you must sacrifice your children. Don’t try to cheat he’ll be tracking you.

Mussolini would be so proud. /s


I do not understand how folks can not see this “I authorize the governors to make their own decisions” as clearly nothing more than setting up blame shifting when more people die (“it was their decisions”), and setting up taking credit for anything that goes well (“I authorized them to do those things.”).


And what about any non-existent restrictions on travel in or out of places like this, or from places like NY?

Great. And having recognised it, how many tyrants successfully retained power for many years nevertheless? Recognising it is merely 1% of the work to change it.


The idea that anybody could make a list of all the people a newly-symptomatic New Yorker had been less than six feet away from during the previous two weeks is utterly ludicrous


He has the power if he claims to have the power and he’s allowed to have the power. It’s worked for him so far; not flawlessly, but eventually. His ass made it to the big chair despite everything known about him and done by him before he was elected, and is still placed in the big chair despite everything done by him since, for the portion of the time it’s not out on a golf course.

As for this, anyone in a state that his majesty the gilded blimp says must open on May 1st should take a note from history and stage a general strike.

The irony of him wanting everyone back to work on May Day is just nice and thick.

Yeah, a lot of “certain kinds of people” do just great under tyrannical rule, and every one of his acolytes hope to jockey their way into the sweet positions in the Trump New World Order.

Your parents and grandparents, maybe yourself, but not many of your children. For now.


I’m pretty sure daycares and schools were the first things recommended to be opened. I can follow the twisted logic that this frees up the parents to return to work. Remember The Rona does not care how old you are. It has no preferences.

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This is the key. “Anyone who needs a test can get one” should go down as one of the all time great political lies, right up there with “Read my lips, no new taxes!” Without population based testing any effort to reopen, even in areas the “only have limited cases” will just once again demonstrate exactly what “exponential growth” looks like.


It’s Coastal Coalition time. Too bad the middle part, sometimes referred to as “fly-over country” can’t get their acts together this way. At least Ohio is being reasonable right now.


As an Ohioan, can we please stop this?

The United States is just that; United. We are one country. Divided, it won’t work. There is a moral obligation for the coastal areas to help us overthrow our oppressors too.

Besides, if you give the Trumpsters and the Religious Reich a country in which to build their forces and sharpen their swords, you will never know peace until they are destroyed.

Also, Trump is a New York person; he gained his wealth and fame based in NYC. Never forget who unleashed this bastard on us. Don’t just dump this mess in the Midwest like so much garbage and then pretend it wasn’t your problem…


Which is why you have to be ready with contact tracing and the readiness to shut things down WHEN further outbreaks happen. Look, even in a rich country like ours, we can’t keep everybody home except for grocery store and medical workers for the next year and a half while we develop a vaccine. People will starve. We all enjoy a little schadenfreude at the expense of the rich bemoaning their stock portfolios, but far worse hit are those that can’t even pretend to work from home and have no reserves. Think of all those waitresses that can’t afford to put food on the table, let alone pay bills. It is unreasonable to ask 10s of thousands of people to face that in areas that have seen a few dozen cases and no deaths in the past week.
This is a marathon, not a sprint. There is no vaccine, little in the way of effective treatment at this point. The virus is ready to restart exponential growth in any community. It will be at least a couple of years before we can go back to something like normal. So we HAVE to think about what sorts of actions that we can maintain for a long period of time. Large gatherings will have to be banned for the foreseeable future, and social distancing measures will have to continue. I presume that we will be able to ramp up the amount of PPE to the degree that we will be able to supply everybody with something better than a homemade cut up tshirt. But more businesses could open. Play dates and small gatherings of friends. Perhaps schools can have limited openings in September. All of that while testing extensively, contact tracing any cases that appear, and being ready to go to full lockdown when fresh outbreaks occur. Those are the sorts of things that we can anticipate being the “new normal” in areas that have NOT seen outbreaks, or where outbreaks have subsided to a level where we can investigate and quarantine EVERY known case.

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Trump in 2016 - “I’m the only one who can fix this.”

Trump in 2020 - “I take no responsiblity at all.”


Sounds like a setup for a rerun of “The War Between The States”.


if we have the testing capability

At this rate we will have a vaccine before the states have anything resembling “testing capability”


I agree with everything you’re saying, in theory, but all this assumes a level of competence from the federal government that has not existed thus far. In order to get to the point where we can quash outbreaks with testing, we need the ability to test on a wide scale. Will that happen by July? August? I’m not holding out much hope, and I worry greatly that even a small outbreak in a relatively rural area could be a disaster. Especially since, even in areas where there have been few recent deaths, we still don’t know exactly how many people have the disease, because almost no testing is available.

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