Here's what's in Trump's executive order against social media companies

So much is intersecting here. First, it’s another step toward claiming the next election is fraudulent. That makes me increasingly nervous. Second, it’s more evidence that we can no longer agree on measurable or otherwise verifiable facts. It seems that we are now entitled to both our own opinions and our own facts. Third, this is a too-familiar pattern. We’ve seen Berlusconi, Orban and others pulling this in extreme ways. But that’s not necessary in the US. You only have to make it too risky (lawyers) to have public forums.

This is hitting me especially hard. Earlier this week my own mother unfriended me and my sister for questioning one of her “coronavirus isn’t as bad as the flu” memes. That’s just sad. She was asserting facts, but accused us of not letting her have her own opinions. Both my sister and I live in places where civic leaders are making desperate pleas for help because our medical services have been overwhelmed. Telling her that was enough for her to sever ties. Trump is the tip of a very persuasive iceberg. So many USians are dying to hear him tell it like it isn’t.

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