Hey, guys, today is Simon Pegg's birthday

Aw man, a second season would have been great.

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There’s an episode in Spaced where Tim (Simon Pegg) can’t bring himself to sell Jar Jar Binks toys to kids, before his boss (Bill Bailey) points out that the Ewoks were just as much a cynical mechanising effort as Jar Jar.
So even Simon Pegg (and the rest of the writers) recognised that geeky gatekeeping is bad.


Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF


Because of my love of UK Big Beat and Techno, I occasionally get exposed to either great rap remixes, or UK produced music with either UK or US rappers. And when it clicks, it clicks amazingly well.

Here is one of my favorites. That bass horn… with US rapper Jakk Frost


Definitely gonna check this out as I game later today, insha’Allah.


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