Originally published at: Hey, guys, today is Simon Pegg's birthday | Boing Boing
Is the blue bandana the one that means that you ship Human Torch/Captain America Evans on Evans? I forget…
He’s only 52! Don’t put him (or me) down quite yet. Still awhile before the final retirement.
Oh, I’m not assuming anything about his health. I just know life is unexpected and bizarre.
May he live another 50 years.
Listen here, youngster.
And when Alan Moore comes into the comic shop…
“A generation’s hero has caught us all buying shite…”
But back on topic…
Anyways… a couple of more off the beaten track Pegg films…
Redemption has been engaged.
I really liked Spaced! And so many of his movies.
I can’t help but think we would get along. I got so excited when one of my favorite Big Beat UK rap songs was in his movie “The World’s End”. I hope he had a hand in that!
Okay, that goes to the top of the list!
Yeah, it’s a great movie.
Oh, dude, I LOVE the Cornetto Trilogy.
Edgar Wright is one of my favorite living directors. Plus, UK hip hop is criminally underrated. I’m slowly getting into grime by way of the New York Drill scene.
Well, as long as you don’t actually do it, I guess it’s good you’re self-aware about it.
Unfortunately there’s no dearth of bully geeks who do go ahead and intimidate neophytes with bullshit gatekeeping. And while I know this would never be your MO, their targets are of predictable demographics…
I never actually do it, lol. If anything, I always offer up deep cuts from whatever they’re into to help new fans further immerse them in the fandom.
It is a knee jerk reaction that happens in my mind for about 2.3 seconds. Then I remember I shouldn’t be a douche. Lol
Pegg is the only reason I can think of to bother continuing the JJverse
OTOH they could certainly cast him in the Captain Pike show, I mean why not
Do you really expect us to believe that Simon Pegg was born instead of descending from heaven exactly as he is?
Absolutely Anything was an unexpected delight.
Slightly more obscure is this recent series (Pegg’s role is secondary, but great):
Seconded! I am still super miffed that Truth Seekers got canned.