High school cheerleader wearing official uniform at school told to "cover up" by staff

Not to toot my own horn, but if I went to work not wearing pants, I would definitely be a distraction to the boys.

Also, I would be in violation of OSHA regulations, but sometimes you just have to roll the dice.


Well, somebodies wrong in this situation, but…

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I agree with you. But, rhetorically, saying “this is your problem, you deal with yourself” it seems like a very good message, and more more powerful than “oh, shut up.” But not if not taken literally.


First off, that’s absurd. Although, cheerleading uniforms used to look like this (below) and nowadays are not much more than a sports bra and booty shorts.


I dunno exactly; I collect cool and useful gifs as I find them.

That one is from at least 6 months ago, possibly a year.


For the Dallas Cowboys, maybe. In high school? No. The uniforms in question are full long-sleeved tops with high neckline and no exposed midriffs, with skirts that have shorts underneath.

But that’s beside the point; if the administration thinks that showing that much leg is distracting and inappropriately sexualizing then they shouldn’t be sending a bunch of minors out to represent the school that way for public events.


As a former teenage boy, I can assure you the male students will be distracted by pretty girls no matter what they wear. Learning to rise above such feelings is just a part of growing up. Shouldn’t be the girls’ problem.


There’s a comedian who has a bit saying that a woman could wear a fridge box to fully cover themselves up with and men would still act gross towards them


This freedom to act gross towards women helps drive the desire to wear “modest” clothing such as the burka and abayah-women feel safer when wearing them because they can avoid male attention, and then men feel even freer to be gross, and women who chose to dress differently are seen as legitimate targets of the gross behavior, so they also change how they dress and it goes around.
Asking men to curb their behavior is always seen as asking too much.


I grew up near Pinconning and…I’m extremely unhappy about this but not remotely surprised.

When I was growing up… that was farm country, mostly potatoes and soybeans, and possibly some factories if any are left supporting the auto industry. If you go farther into the rural areas from there, esp. southeast towards the Thumb… it’s Michigan Militia territory. Not excusing it and it’s actually worse if I’m wrong and the town grew, but I suspect like most of central Michigan since the early 90s, a lot of the people who needed out and could get out did.

Not even remotely excusing the behavior so much as happy that this kind of crap is at least seeing daylight with the hopes that at the state level – where things are progressing into the modern day – it will be dealt with. Hell, even the locals who aren’t in favor of American Sharia law may not have known and will push back. Otherwise inertia is what keeps this crap going when everyone is afraid to speak out if they can’t leave for fear of being the only one.

If you’re looking for a term for homegrown all-American Christian fundamentalism, try Gilead.


Ah yes that’s the one – I read that book for the first time in late 2016 and it’s burned into my brain. I hadn’t had all of my coffee when I posted that.


Not a religious person, never read the Bible, but the more I hear about verses from Matthew, I really like that dude!


There is a reason the christofascists focus so much on OT rather than what Jesus actually said. Jesus was far too woke for them. They need the fire and blood, not the love and peace. “Love your neighbor” and “pray in secret” go so much against their grain, they can’t stand it. There is a story (possibly apocryphal) of a pastor preaching on The Sermon on the Mount getting pushback for “pushing that woke bullshit.” As a Christian, it is enfuriating to see “Christians” utterly reject Christ. They are not. They are straight up Nazis and nothing else.


[The book] was the result of having multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching — “turn the other cheek” — [and] to have someone come up after to say, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?” And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, “I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,” the response would not be, “I apologize.” The response would be, “Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak.” And when we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.



Yes, primarily, because far too many of our boys/young men are socialized to treat girls/young women like objects rather than as people with their own agency.

Nope. American Christians have their own form of extremism that they didn’t get from the Islamic world. Stop blaming Muslims for that. It only furthers othering of Muslims. You are playing right into what the Christian far right wants us to do.

seth meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


Exactly! Especially a school that has a dress code.
It’s like they’re saying, “here, we codify the dress required to maintain decorum and prevent overt sexualization of our students. Oh, but if you want to participate in this sport, you must wear this uniform that does not meet our code of decorum. Yes, you must wear it in front of large crowds of adult spectators and other student athletes.”
What a fucking mixed message.


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