High school student claims principal plagiarized Ashton Kutcher for graduation speech

All the speech needed was to add a shout out to Kutcher. Where was this guy educated?


He overestimated. It never occurred to him that they’d be listening.
ETA: listening to him.

Sweet! What’s my MFA thesis say?

Seems harsh, but fair :grin:

Totally! Had he said, something adorkable like a dad-ish principal might, “As you embark on your next adventure, I’d like to impart some advice from my ‘pal’ [with actual air quotes] Ashton Kutcher…”


It is possible that the excerpt is the most egregious example, but it’s almost word for word. His claim that the audience “should have known” it wasn’t his work when he said “I’d like to share some words with you” is only a hair better than “I didn’t know I had to do my own work” and the “I’m gonna use blocks of text from the article instead of summarizing it” trick.
If the graduates are so important, then maybe he should have written his own damn speech then?

Dude, where’s my credit?

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