“Hitchhiker,” by Korean girl pop band 11: either the best or worst music video ever

Well, at least he’s not like those degenerate crooners the girls are mooning over these days.

Crosby? Sinatra? FEH! Give me Al Jolson or Eddie Cantor any day!


There are no vocals in the way you seem to mean it. The “vocals” are samples of a very small child’s voice.

There is no pretense of talent in a child making noise or counting in English or even in the bits where she does sing a little. Those are just noises that her dad thought were cool and mixed into the song.


Thank you - I was unaware of that. See, I’m a vocalist myself in an acoustic duo. I can appreciate the work that goes into something like that, but the work itself doesn’t do much for me.

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In the second video explaining what Hitchhiker is, the english subtitles didn’t match the french speaking.

Just before the sorceress at the end he said “Pour parachever ce divagations avec éclat.”, which grossly translate to: “to end this shit in style”

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Looks like a shiny aluminum mylar version of Cubist architecture.*

(*Yes, there’s Cubist architecture, mainly in Prague.)

There was a singer? Huh.

Get off my… Oh who the hell am I kidding?


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