Holiday activity: make up a story to explain what's going on in this video

Honestly, my first thought was, “Another typical day in Russia”.


The man you see at the beginning of the video was standing in the road by himself – there was never much traffic going through his village anyway – thinking deeply about how he was going to perform “Billy Jean” at the talent show planned for that night. He was especially nervous about the moonwalking part.

Meanwhile, the man driving the white van was giving his neighbor, a junk collector, help getting up the road, which was just about to become quite steep. Since the neighbor didn’t know how to ride a horse, they both decided to just keep the horse attached to the cart. Unfortunately, the neighbor was distracted by the man in the street, drove the cart off the road, and fell on his ass. The horse, however, was unhurt.

Meanwhile, the performer started doing his best moonwalk, but, startled by the accident that had just occurred, forgot to look for the curb behind him and fell over.


Horse is a terrorist. My dude in the middle of the street is a goddamn hero successfully using the latest counter-terrorist techniques.




Looks like the left front tire of the cart caught the curb and the heavily-loaded cart lurching then caused the right front tire to pop the bead and deflate making the cart go further left as well as tilting, with the combination of all those events causing the (drunk?) cart driver to fall off. Hilarity ensued…


Isn’t it obvious?


Christ, what an asshole!

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This is simply a colorized Pathe short from 1922.


what i think happened:
the van and cart guy are co-idiots. because they attached the rope to a corner of the cart the van is pulling the cart off course and it hits the ditch causing it to stop suddenly throwing the rider. the very inebriated man in the road take a moment to register that shit just really happened and staggers backwards losing his balance.

what i wish was the explanation:
:banana: banana peels :banana:


The tow rope is attached to the right side of the steering axle, which made the cart turn left, which then hit something and stopped the cart, throwing the cart driver off. Not sure what’s attached to cart driver’s left leg

The man in the middle of the road had been working for years on a theory of time travel which would always involve the slowing down of time in order to project himself into the future or back to the past. Unfortunately it only worked in complete silence and isolation. The guy in the white vehicle knew the time traveller and had got into an altercation with him the previous night due to a profound disagreement on the validity of the theory of cartesian dualism. His appearance on this occasion disrupted the time traveller’s attempts to travel back to mediaeval Russia, but not before the disrupt in the space-time continuum caused the sudden appearance in the 21st century of a bewildered 15th century farm labourer.

Simple when you think about it, Marty.


Because this:


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My father spent part of his time while escaping the Nazis, as a soldier in the Russian army. He described this as common during the early 1940s.

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This is clear case of attempted horse-jacking.

It is Russia. That’s all you need to know.


These are paid crisis actors, part of a conspiracy to take away your booze.


In America you can always find entertainment. In Soviet Russia entertainment finds you!


viral promo video for the latest David Lynch film

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Aleksandr was waiting at the agreed spot for the race to begin. His eyes were focused on the finish line 200 meters down the road as he anticipated finally clearing his gambling debts. As the tow vehicle pulled his opponent into position he turned his head to measure the distance. He would begin his sprint as soon as the ox came even with his position and the tow line dropped. He stared with disbelief as Mikhail, who had been up all night drinking again, nodded off and drove the cart off the road. He slowly backed away knowing full well that the Bratva enforcer in the van would soon be after him to collect. The bullet came as he reached the curb.

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It’s obviously an absurdist addiction group video: No matter how much help you get from your friends, if you fall off the wagon it’s like taking 10 steps back.

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