Originally published at: Holy Chicken Ship! The full-length "Captain EO" is more brilliant than you can possibly remember | Boing Boing
Forgot about the original Borg Queen? That entrance she made descending on her hoses and cables was so epic that Star Trek had to rip it off almost exactly.
When she is revealed in all her beauty, my mind was BLOWN. I had no memory of it.
I don’t quite get the Disney fetish around here. I mean like what you like, but it’s a bit weird.
Looking at your bio, I understand you joined the BBS in 2014. Welcome to Boing Boing.
I remember that I saw Captain EO at Disney in the late 80s and that Michael Jackson was in it. I didn’t remember anything else. A weird bit of nostalgia for me, of knowing that I saw this with my grandparents and that it was a big deal, but I might as well be seeing it for the first time because nothing looks familiar
I had Disney Enthusiast family near Disney World, and inevitably we would make a trip to the park 1-2 times a year. I pleaded to go to the Captain EO ride (show?), but was always overruled by the rest of my family.
Finally, 30 odd years later, I can see it.
I guess I’m glad?
My mind was blown when I saw the director. Prior to that I was thinking that it was like watching Star Wars where every character is Jar Jar. And it’s a musical. Now I’m even more confused.
Hooter and Max Reebo have a lot of similarities:
That alien ship looked a bit Bird of Prey’ish too. I remember MJ did some music videos with space themes, but this is my first time Seeing Captain EO. ^____^
The big draw when i saw it was that it was in 3D! …complete with ancillary in-house lighting effects. it was said, at the time, that one really needed to watch it while high …dude.
Never going to Disney as a kid, I’ve never seen Captain EO, though I had seen the commercials. Would have loved it as a kid, I am sure.
Will have to watch this when I can!
I saw Captain EO in 3D at Epcot Center in 1987. I really don’t remember much about it. I don’t recall being blown away, but I really wanted to see it when I heard about it. I also see to recall it was a standing theater, but it might not have been. The Magic Kingdom and Epcot both had them and I saw a number of shows in them.
Seems low res, despite the 4K claim. Perhaps some digital clean-up was over-applied to give us those fuzzy blobs of colors. Also, the aspect ratio seems to switch from wide to narrow and back. I don’t remember that in the theatre. It’s interesting that the sound for the in-theatre special effects like the laser blasts are missing.
Oh, and sooo many continuity errors. Did they think we wouldn’t notice dancers changing races? His jacket’s open, it’s buckled, it’s open, … And a glimpse of the ramp MJ struts up so that he appears larger than the dancers at ground level behind him. And what’s with Lucas’s fetish with spaceships plowing through trenches? Do it in one movie, it’s an interesting set piece. Repeat it in a couple more movies and it begins to feel … dirty.
The theatre had vibrating seats. All part of the show.
“4k 60Hz” is how you get youtube views. Not only it it blurrier than “mere” HD, it’s also less colorful.
Maybe people like the sepia because it oozes nostalgia. Still, I don’t think Disney’s that eager to enrich Michael Jackson’s estate.
“How do I get outta this chicken-ship outfit?”
Unfortunately I was way past kid when this came out.
Despite JLW mocking you for ‘only’ commenting for 8+ years, I agree the Disney stuff has always struck me as weird for a site that was fairly countercultural, anti-corporate, and not a fan of conservatism.
I had forgotten this was Disney, and was frankly more struck by the prominence given here to a film starring a child molester. But we also see a lot of untempered Bowie praise around these parts, too .
But whatever. I’m sure plenty of stuff I like is also deeply problematic (and I’m watching Andor on Disney+ so who am I to talk…?).
Parents decided they had to finally take a family vacation before I graduated from high school. Hence, Epcot at 16. I know I saw this and have absolutely no memory of anything from it except that it had an already market over-satuated MJ. I was listening to Dio and Black Flag that trip, duly unimpressed at the time.