Originally published at: Honest Trailers take on 'The Batman' | Boing Boing
I waited patiently for that and thought they were WAY too kind to a dark, depressing entry in DC’s continual “we can make the world even grimmer” take on their “heroes.”
A feel-good romp if ever there was one.
“The Vig Lebowski”, LOL
I could go to see that movie, but I feel like I’ve seen it several times already.
The movie is terrible.
I kept thinking, how many innocent truck drivers BURNED TO DEATH in that conflagration that wouldn’t have happened except Batmobile chase?
Guy’s worse than LAPD!
And the New Jersey just loosened their rules about when police chases are justified, due to a spike in car thefts (that it turns out, is 80% people leaving their key fobs in their cars…)
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