House Science Committee: a parliament of Creationists, Climate Deniers (and dunces)

Wow, that’s a lot of discussion for a post reacting to a post about an article someone wrote about the last Science Committee hearing.

Watch the actual hearing. It’s fascinating. You get a glimpse of how Congress operates. Things are simultaneously much better and much worse than you probably thought. Well, that’s my opinion. The little tidbits that filter out into the press are basically meaningless. The hearing covered a lot of important topics. There was some incredible stupidity, especially from Republicans, and windbaggery from both sides of the aisle. And then there were a few, like Rep. Kennedy (D-MA) and Rep. Schweikert (R-AZ), who were there to work.

The video itself is absolutely terrible, uses some weird format (try VLC) and plays back haltingly. Apparently even C-SPAN couldn’t be bothered to show up, so enjoy the official US Congress 90s style web video experience.


Dammit, I fell asleep at the switch. (Diorama from


That is too awesome, I yield (the dolphin was the clincher).

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@crenquis, I think we both just got p0wned.


I can attempt a dog/cat/turtle combo when I get home, but I suspect it would require a full tube of gorilla glue and tranquilizers…

Oh, don’t drag nations into being all that. Soon it’ll seem like weeks ago the more backwards committeederps were staunch Maoist Nazarene whose dedication to draining Indonesian Mangroves for the glory of the working peoples drove them to martyrdom and/or acceptance of soy burger and the software-defined gut. Logical and executive votes might even outpace scheduled progression.

Nonsense in G7 Governments is measured, but declaring members is its own touchstone game. @kyle_c surely there is automated snark and video markdown?

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