How about some 3D-printed vegan salmon?

and bajor is right there after all. it’d be criminal not to use some fresh ingredients and help the local economy.

( wait. do star fleet officers get paid? post scarcity in a recovering war zone is so confusing. )


I’d give the product itself a go, but the promotional video is a complete turn off.

It probably won’t simulate the price.


What about “crab sticks”?

I find it hard to believe people would still want to eat them after seeing the video, but the comments suggest otherwise.

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If they could get rid of the fishy smell and taste, and replace it with bacon, I would eat a lot more fish.


Suggestion: gene therapy to change your taste buds so that they only register the flavors of bacon - meaning anything you eat would be differentiated only by its level of baconiness.


Any recommendations?


There’s some irony here as Jello is, essentially, flavored meat (skin and bones, to be precise).


Can we please stop replacing every vegetarian option with something that “tastes like” meat/fowl/fish already? My girlfriend’s been vegetarian for years and it’s getting damned hard to find any pre-cooked food not jumping on the bandwagon.

Newsflash: most people who don’t eat fish, fowl or flesh don’t want stuff that tastes like fish, fowl or flesh. Bring back the Quorn Salsa Fillet!


Can’t fool me, that’s chicken nuggets.


My favourite faux-chicken is the Swedish brand Hälsans Kök and their ‘filet pieces’ (diced chicken breast-esque) and ‘crispy mini filets’ (breaded chicken tender-esque). Easy to cook, pretty versatile (I’ve used the filet pieces in a bunch of different pasta dishes, fried noodles and other asian-inspired faire, and tacos; the crispy mini filets are new so I’ve barely had time to try them, but I liked them), the taste is good (it’s not chicken, but it’s umami-rich something-or-other) and the texture is great (pleasantly chewy, not mushy at all, crispy things are crispy). Not a huge fan of their burgers though - there are definitely better options there.

After a quick bit of searching, one major negative: apparently this is a Nestlé brand. Ugh. On the positive side, that means they’re present in a lot of places globally (the non-Swedish branding seems to be Garden Gourmet), but it also seems like the products offered vary a lot across different loactions. And of course their parent company is then pretty much as evil as they come. Yay!

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true. but which part of the chicken is the nugget exactly? :wink:

( and don’t get me started on buffalo wings. lies! )

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Super Bowl weekend alone is responsible for thousands of flightless buffalo. A real tragedy.


poor little guys…

The Nature Conservancy Camera GIF by PBS Digital Studios


Where do you get that? I don’t think I’ve seen it. I remember that a vegan friend of mine picked up some faux chicken breast in Rema, but I don’t remember the brand. I was surprised by how good it was, though

Kiwi, mainly, though I think Coop also carries Hälsans Kök. It’s in the frozen section though, so not among the regular refrigerated faire. You might have to check around a bit though, as at least here in Trondheim, the selection varies a lot between stores of the same chain, let alone between chains. Which is also really my main annoyance with going vegan: having to go by so many different grocery stores just to get everything covered.

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I’ll l have a look, thanks! Never would have thought to check the frozen section

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