This is why I think part of this whole, “Canada would welcome everyone and be the best in the case of a civil war” is somewhat misfounded. It’s also why I think in The Handmaid’s Tale I don’t think all of Canada would be as resistant to Gilead as was portrayed. I think a large segment of Canada would feel the need to aquiesce to Gilead’s economic pressures.
Speaking more in the real world scenario, when you’re a refugee, you don’t get to pick where you go long term. While we may run to Canada if the worst happens, and we may apply for refugee status in Canada, odds are that we would be applying for refugee status in a whole layout of countries, some of which are more free and some that are less free than the US that no longer exists. You don’t really get a choice as a refugee, it’s why you’re a refugee.
The most likely outcome is the occupation of large swaths of the former USA by authoritarian nations like China under the excuse that they’re doing it to “stabilize” America.
That depends on whether Gilead is still powerful enough to push Canada around.
That was the premise of the Red Dawn remake, until MGM realised that they couldn’t afford to piss of the Chinese government and changed the villains to North Korea.
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