How did Blade Runner's tech predictions stack up?

I mean, it’s the Zuck. To call him creepy is to call a lion savage. The creep is the basic unit he’s built out of.


Sure - but that is genuinely cold and unsettling and makes Yul Brynner’s turn in Westworld look like Jim Carrey on some bad coke.


What is that ? A Nexus 1.5?


As they say, “its turtles all the way down”


This comment from a Stack Exchange thread gives a pretty compelling idea of how the Esper machine might work :

I think the theory in ESPER machine in the movie is that any surface in a given room is actually receiving all the light bouncing around in that room, including, perhaps light coming from the window if it is open, just like a mirror, only that the reflected light is distorted to the eyes because of the irregularity of the surface topology and/or the surface’s color. And just like a mirror in a room, you can practically see the entire room if you position yourself and the mirror at the proper angles. The computer in the movie is able to reconstruct the distorted light through some powerful algorithm, it seems.

Holography was fairly fresh in the public’s awareness around the time of the films debut, could imagine that had some influence.

IIRC, The role of photographs is a more explicit plot element in the book, where replicants apparently amass collections of old castaway photos as proxy memories for pasts they never had. PKD’s prescience abounds eerily well WRT techno-social media and self-image trends (not to mention Mercerism and the sort of shared reality show-esque spirituality it represented).


they picked the wrong month

A wet day is one with at least 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation. In Los Angeles, the chance of a wet day over the course of November is increasing , starting the month at 7% and ending it at 11% .

For reference, the year’s highest daily chance of a wet day is 21% on February 20

Los Angeles November Weather, Average Temperature (California, United States) - Weather Spark

Well it’s fun to talk about it when that date actually arrives, like now. What’s the problem with that?

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True. I’m not passionately against it. Just a nitpick of mine. I hate watching a movie set in the future with lasers with a date in the past :blush:

That is one weird phrase. What else can precipitation be? Hail and snow are “liquid -equivalent”? Bizarre.

Also, Band Name!
I really hope they don’t do any Wet Wet Wet covers.


Why’s that? Lasers have been in existence since 1960 so it’s not exactly new technology.


Seriously? :neutral_face:


Yes the first laser was invented in 1960.

I guess I don’t understand what you mean, sorry.


Indeed. Lasers are in a sense even a dated technology because while lasers still have their uses, the once familiar optical discs like CDs and DVDs that used lasers to read them are giving way to medialess files and streaming.

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stream on this.


Maybe they branched out from beer? Or maybe they had to switch to vodka-like clear liquids because (shudder) hops became prohibitively expensive due to climate change?
I’m trying to build up some knowledge of “gruits” (beers brewed without hops) for that very reason. I’ve tried a few brewed with various types of tea instead of hops, and found them quite tasty.


“Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep” and “Blade Runner” have a sufficient quantity of differences, and to a sufficiently deep level of detail, that I consider them “parallel stories”, where the commonalities are almost quaint artifacts. Having slogged through a portion of “Future Noir: the Making of ‘Blade Runner’”, I think I understand why so much of the source material had to be dropped, and not all of it was due to Ridley Scott’s insistence on an astounding level of detail (and therefore expense). Which begs the question: what would a much more faithful adaptation of the original book be like?


So if you crash it and have to walk you can say just watch the car


There is a scene in the movie where Rachel shows Deckard a picture of herself as a child with her mother. Right before we cut away from the photo it looks to be animated, like a video on paper. Does it look the same to you? Its just for a moment.

I always wondered if that means paper photos in the movie are more than just static, flat images.


there is a graphic novel



Oh interesting, I do recall that scene and remember getting some sort of dreamlike sense from it - but not anything more specific. (Maybe that aspect is more apparent in the film than I recalled). Thinking a re-read/watch could be due in the upcoming.

Yeah, maybe it’s like the ego-likeness shigawire projectors from the Dune books.

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