Originally published at: How did these cow carcasses get on top of this home? | Boing Boing
Brought by a horse.
Yes sir, Officer, I cannot tell a lie, I put that farm house under those cow carcasses."
Isn’t that how you make beef jerky?
Assuming a person didn’t do this - which is always a ready explanation for weird shit - mountain lions can carry an adult deer carcass up a tree and bears will drag a large carcass around to keep other critters from getting at it (and are pretty decent climbers). So I suspect the answer has something to do with the size of the cows involved.
The cows were trying to jump over the moon, but had more ambition than talent. This is really very sad.
Also could be a legitimate case of snowdrifts being high enough to reach the roof of a house. There’s old newspaper clippings of my great-grandfather relating his memories of a snowstorm in Texas that covered folks’ rooftops (because snow drifts), and the snow was firm enough after the winds to be able to walk on top of it.
Where do you store your dead cows? It’s not like we all have fancy dead cow vaults in our homes, you know!
Looking at the chyron, I’m surprised that Bankman-Fried looks worse than I remember. The hearing must be hard on him.
Was there a flood recently?
… user name checks out yet again
The Cow That Jumped Over The Moon had to come down somewhere.
Let’s not resort to silly theories about UFOs.
The scientific explanation is obvious in that a completely unobserved whirlwind blew across a pond containing wild cows, sucked them up and dumped them later without anyone noticing.
But is the little dog still laughing, now?
5G signal turning birds into zombies.
I read crows, not cows…