How Facebook broke America

Is cheaper, because in Soviet Russia, advertising buys YOU!


Yes .Thank you for citing this seminal work. But the essay was published in 1995 and, from what I have read, the trend accelerated considerably in recent years.


Guilty as charged!

I have to pay taxes to support roads and airports. If I don’t pay those taxes, I can lose my home or go to jail. This is why I get to vote for or against those who run these entities and spend money on them.

I have access to only one landline telephone company. I don’t necessarily like that, but I can vote against the local government officials who set the rules for that if I desire.

Neither of the above applies to Facebook.

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I’ve heard a lot of people say, “Facebook is too intrusive!! It monitors the activity of its users and sells the data to advertisers/gives it to the government/whatever !!!”

I’ve heard a lot of people say, “Facebook is letting fascists/Russians/whatever get away with all kinds of outrageous lies and downright criminal activity!! Why doesn’t Facebook crack down on it??”

Confusingly enough, some of the same people say both things.

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The newspapers are bad enough - but they have professional journalists, even if they bend and twist stories to suit agendas.

But reading those "… and then THIS happened! … " stories is just as dumb as you can get.

We’re going to digitize the human race into non-existence.

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Even in major metro areas, that term is being applied more loosely every year. Publishing and broadcast companies encourage the experienced staff to take retirement bonuses or conduct layoffs. The replacements are young (probably paid much less) and tend to be…sloppy. Unfortunately, editors seem to be expendable, too. Now, half-written “articles,” full of slang and typos are very hard to avoid - in print as well as online.

If I mention the newspaper to my elderly relatives, a few of them threaten to use a highlighter to mark up all the mistakes and send it back!


Facebook so perfectly embodies it I’m going to need two leftist energy bars for breakfast this morning.

I seriously miscalculated how many I’d need to get through this year. I should have bought stock.

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Because tracking people (not only users) all over the internet and letting people post hate speech are two very distinct activities.


Did Facebook break America?
Or did it peel off the wallpaper that was hiding all the cracks that were there all the time?

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Either Facebook should be treated as a common carrier, or as a privately operated messaging and ad delivery service. The two are quite different.

Growing up whenever I saw a trope where dumb is good it would irritate me:

Also, glad the sarcasm was obvious … I antagonized for a moment on adding sarcasm tags.

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Word; I hated this ad campaign by Deisel:



What’s the point of flashing the security camera? I mean what does that really mean in relation to the clothes? Buy our clothes … WOOO?

The marketing people there need to be batted over the head with a rolled up newspaper while somebody says no!

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That wasn’t even the worst one:

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There are not words sufficient enough to describe how irritated I was with those dumbass ads, especially since the stupidest ones seemed to feature half naked females.


Oh dear effin’ god!

I mean … I …



It’s a little late for any outrage, as that ad campaign is from 2010; but yeah… anyone who thinks there’s not a nefarious plot to actively make the average citizen stupid and lazy isn’t paying close enough attention.