How Gen X learned to hate marketing

Does anyone else remember Rondo?


I just checked the YouTubes and somebody seems to have archived it!


Wolf Cola is very popular in Boca Raton.


Coke with Coffee is one of my favorite non alcoholic drinks sold at OXO stores in Mexico. I haven’t seen it much here.

But it was always good for that afternoon jolt after being in the sun or in the water all day.

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Here in New York, too! It’s basically just carbonated espresso and sugar and it’s amazing!


The first time I ever had Manhattan Special I was at my favorite neighborhood pizzeria and was feeling adventurous and in need of caffeine. I was blown away by it and while reading the label realized that the (very, very small) factory was two blocks away! I made the pilgrimage immediately after.


I think I was okay about marketing in the 70s and 80s but when “New Coke” was rolled out, with an endless stream of backflips and weasel words, it kinda burned that whole playhouse down. Trust gone.

And I didn’t even drink Coke.


“How Gen X learned to hate marketing”

Having it shoved down our throats every waking minute of every day in every form imaginable?


My grandfather got both his legs blown off in the Cola Wars, so spare me your jokes.


Diabetes causing poor circulation and necrotic tissue, I take it?


A can of Jolt Cola threw an expired MRE through the window of his G503 and he crashed into a busload of orphans. He used to scream in his sleep.


Slam it down FAST!

Any of y’all remember when Snapple made soda? This was pre-double-down-on-iced-tea and pre-commercial. Their weirdly transparent Tru Root Beer was quite the beverage. They also had actual kola-nut flavored cola.

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I think I first learned to hate marketing when I was a kid and there were those “housewife” commercials that basically shamed the women if: their husbands had ring around the collar, their clothes had static after being washed and dried, their children’s clothes had any grass stains on them, their toilet wasn’t “eat off it” sparkly clean, etc.

The approach was so, so cringeworthy. Even as young as age 9 I remember being like, “this seems like the mean kids from school just keep being mean and petty. Fuck this shit.” (But probably it was more like, “frig this crap!” I wasn’t that hard core yet ;). )


The Calgon “ancient Chinese secret” commercial flipped this trope while substituting racism. “My husband! Some hotshot!”


Not really, because the stereotypes of women of color was always different from those of white women. They tended to be in service to white people, not at home. It’s really about all of us who aren’t white men serving white men in some capacity.


Oh, but the “oh Calgon, take me away,” ads are exactly what @MrShiv is talking about.
It was the version of, “you know you aren’t an adequate housewife (I cringe even writing that) but you deserve a rest.”
Calgon, let it take you away.


My brief fling with Like cola coincided with my brief fling with binge drinking, in college. So my memories of Like are mostly it’s flavor the second time around. It was a very brief fling.

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