How high can you jump on other planets and moons?

Originally published at: How high can you jump on other planets and moons? | Boing Boing

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Ceres is gonna be fun

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I have fond memories of the first Magic School Bus Computer Game, which was a platform game set on various planets of the solar system.
Here’s a video review of the game.
Obviously platform gaming is easier where there is lower gravity.
My son and daughter and I had a lot of fun with that.

They forgot to animate the dust from the landing also being kicked up/falling at that rate.


Lesson learned. No jumping on Phobos without a jetpack!

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How small does a rock need to be in order for a “normal”* jump to reach escape velocity?

*quoted in a feeble attempt to avoid ableism


Someone says this:

“See my answer. Tidal accelerations are more than a 1/3 of Phobos gravity. You don’t need to reach escape velocity to escape. You just need enough to take you out to the Hill sphere. 3 m/s should suffice.“

You probably would end up in orbit around Mars?


I wonder if anyone has actually run the numbers to figure out whether you could spin the rock fast enough to create a decent amount of internal artificial gravity via centrifugal force (a-la The Expanse) without having the thing rip itself apart.


There’s always the prospect of base jumping off the biggest known cliff in the solar system, on Miranda.

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