Not a ringing endorsement… personally I stick to cheese, nuts and fruit when eating on trains and airlines. British Air serves a decent scone with clotted cream, but I don’t generally eat processed carbs (I drink them instead! Mmmm, beer).
If I was going to sous vide (which obviously I’m not) I think I’d stick with high-end reusable silicone bags, to decrease the amount of waste, and I’d keep my eyes open for empirical studies of the health impact of silicone.
Wow, I never worked in a restaurant quite that nasty. Thanks for the warning!
Well, I’m not doing it, so I can’t be doing it wrong and I think you misinterpreted my posts, since I’ve never once suggested that boil-in-bag and sous vide are the same technique. The commonality between them that concerns me is that I don’t like them; in this way they are also similar to Axl Rose’s vocal stylings and Robert Silverberg’s novel Son of Man, neither of which I have attempted to boil although it is tempting.
DISCLAIMER 1 Whenever I use words like “disgusting” or “delicious”, please understand that if I am using an English word that is by very definition inherently predicated on a single person’s judgment and taste, and thus I am stating a personal opinion that is subjectively true but may not be true when evaluated from any viewpoint other than my own, and cannot be considered objectively true in any usage; therefore, I am not making a claim to objectivity nor am I making any claim that physical, psychological or emotional states achieved or experienced by me can be replicated by any other person or impersonal entity when subjected to the same situations or similar stimuli.
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