Originally published at: How to charge your phone with pee | Boing Boing
Bear Grylls approves
very small hydroelectric plant and a lot of beer
Keep in mind that the pee is not the crucial part of the circuit (ordinary salt water will do)
The charcoal, copper and the aluminium are the elements that make this battery work…
Don’t take all the fun out of it.
Why do people feel the need to make these video’s humorous with gag lines etc, I much prefer the intelligence and entertaining bigclive.com
Yeah, nah. I’m not in Texas so I’m lucky to be in a position to say ‘no thanks’ to this hack.
I came here to say this, but I knew it had already been said.
Don’t pooh pooh the pee pee.
The savy Texan should have been saving their urine as a potential emergency beverage.
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