How to fight back against the backfire effect

Need amoebae for the LFSP Congress-critters. They all appear to be facing one way but actually travel on entirely different headings…


ETA: updated, with context

Translated from the Russian, the version which, according to Bazhanov, was uttered in 1923 by Stalin in reference to a vote in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was this:

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”


And so you have to remember, when you’re in that jury room deliberating and conjugating the Emancipation Proclamation… does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense.


Bigly. Sad.


I listened to the podcast, and I’m more certain than ever that the backlash effect doesn’t exist.


That opportunity occurs every 4 years

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I was originally down with the whole “Even if we got rid of Trump it would still be just as bad” thing, but after seeing these guys in office for a few weeks, I’ve changed my mind.

Trump and Bannon need to go. President Mike Pence would be better.

I submit for your consideration…

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Frankly, I think Pence would be even worse because he’s more competent (marginally). When all is said and done, I think your country will realise that you’ve all dodged a bullet: the situation was ripe for installing a fascist government, but the one you got is so incompetent that I believe they will fail to pull off the autogolpe to dissolve democracy, and may well end up discrediting fascism for a very long time.


Months, at least.

At very least. Trump is such a cock-up that I’d be surprised it wasn’t decades instead. The necessity here is that you people have to take back your political parties from the oligarchy.

It seems to me the Chewbacca defense is more about trying to shoe-horn a phrase (and therefore meaning) into a jury’s mind - the repetition of the phrase “This doesn’t make sense” is the objective. Say the lie enough times, and it goes in.

The red herring fallacy does the work of opening up the mental conduit to allow that to happen.

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No, “negative information” is not A Thing. What would it be negating? It sounds like trying to base a scientific study around guessing the ideals of a hypothetical average listener.

The only way to prevail against insular groups who are vehemently anti-reality is to give them the freedom and power to disappear up their own collective ass - but to not take you with them. It underscores the impossibility of reaching a consensus for such large groups of people. So long as we hope for the same rules for everyone, the same unified government, we will need to deal with being dragged off course by people like this.

If we treat a society as a “marketplace of ideas”, such groups strive to force a monopoly. The way to address this is to always force into being a healthy ecosystem of ideas. Their insular uninformed attitudes cannot compete, and so die off. But that might mean needing to establish parallel economies, media, schools, governments, etc. Not easy, but easily worth the trouble IMO, compared to extinction in a toxic monoculture.

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I agree with you. I’ve always thought that Trump is NOT Hitler because A) Trump wants attention, not power. His followers want him to have power, but that’s not the same, and B) The growing majority of Americans doesn’t like or support Trump. He got elected because some 75K voters in three states decided they were more fed up with the alternative, not because they liked Trump so much. His incompetence is a third point that I hadn’t counted on.

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